
This Smile Isn't All that it Seems.

Have you ever had those moments, that all you can do is plaster a fake smile on your face, no matter how much pain you're going through? I have those moments all the time. I plaster on a fake smile so no one can see my hurt. They don't realize that I'm the type of person to push my happiness aside until I can make someone else happy with themselves. And then repeat. Sometimes, I forget about my happiness. But when I do a good deed, and help those that are in need, I feel a little lighter, and I feel like I did something big, although it may just be a tiny gesture. They don't know, that what I have been through, and the way I was raised; I see the good in everybody. If you've done me wrong, you may still be a decent person, but it depends on what you've done to me, then I may never forgive you. No matter what you do to try to change it. My 'happiness' you see, isn't always real, but sometimes, it's so genuine, that is hurts my heart in a good